How did it get to be July 23?
Wasn't it just July 4?
This all-a -blur feeling is indicative of my failure to live mindfully and relish the present moment.
Like when I am driving and thinking about what I have to do next and miss the exit. Sadly, when I was still working at the newspaper, I drove into work with F fast asleep in his car seat. Luckily the boys don't let me miss a beat now.
D bellows from the backseat if I make a 'wrong' turn on the way to preschool.
"Why are we going this way? THIS IS NOT THE WAY!'
I should do yoga. But I don't because I need to consistently fit in strength training which I cannot seem to do. I already have to get up at 5:30 a.m. to run for "the Love of Abraham Lincoln!" (Just Quoting Toy story 2 here as it is on in the other room.)
Thank God I am off this week. Maybe I will finish reading a book.
But this downtime has me thinking too.
I just realized I have spent the last 26 years on a diet! This Debbie-downer thought came courtesy of Health Magazine where I read you can eat carbs now to lose weight.
Sweet Jesus.
I don't know what to think anymore.
Just catching up on your blog. Don't be too hard on yourself! It's hard to have little kids, and you definitely can't fit everything in. Hold onto those runs! Also it's hard to live mindfully. You know – when you realize you're not, take a few breaths and start again. Hey this all-a-blur feeling seems to happen if you're mindful or not. It seems like yesterday that you were babysitting my little kids and now, poof, they're all grown up.