Monday, July 19, 2010

Carving out me time at dawn

The 5:30 a.m. jogs are working.
Today was the first chaos free Monday morning in weeks.
Breakfast got made. Camp bags were packed and bug spray went on without fuss.
As much as I loathe getting up, once I am on my way I appreciate the way the morning quiet clears my mind...the way it lines up the to-do list in my head.
I get perspective when I can quicken my pace to dodge sprinklers and gauge my speed by the whereabouts of  dog lady who walks her two, small yapping pups around the block each morning.
This is good.
Best of  all, I'm not stressing about how to work in exercise or feeling guilty about doing it when I get home from work.
I can feel present when I walk in the door.
And I say yes without a qualifier when I hear, "Mommy, can you come sit down with me?"
Yep, this feels right.

1 comment:

  1. I always liked those early a.m. jogs too. You get it done and then you don't have to worry about fitting it in or making excuses about why not to do it. The problem for me was always dealing with the second wind that makes you stay up too late.
