I did not anticipate uncovering such understanding in a pre-school yearbook. But there it was. The messages from a gaggle of five-year-olds seem worth repeating. They made me smile, even hopeful at a time when my adult mind is often hijacked by the 24-hour news cycle of oil and violence here and abroad.
Here's what the boys and girls in D's class said when asked what they wished for the world.
- For everyone to love their family like I love mine.
- For everyone to have a Barbie Doll
- For everyone to have enough food
- For everyone to be nice to each other
- I wish everyone could have a large cheese pizza
- I wish everyone smiled all the time
- That the world would take care of the weeds
- That the world would be happy
- That everyone would get along
- That the world would be filled with flowers
- That the world would be strong and healthy
- That everyone could have ice cream
- That the world has clean air
- That there is no littering
- That we all be healthy and grow
- That my friends and I will be friends forever
- That everybody will turn out awesome
- That everyone could have a big jungle gym
- For everyone to have a good life